Friday, May 23, 2008

The search is on!

I have started looking for venues to have our wedding and reception. I know some of you might think, " wow already?", to that I answer yes, I want to book a venue as soon as I can not only so we can let our families know the date, but also so I can help Diana more with her wedding stuff.

Erik, Anya and I went to Foxchase manor and Chantilly National Golf and Country club the weekend of the 17th. Foxchase was a complete dead end, it was so huge and very unwelcoming. The country club was very nice other than the place the ceremony would be held. I don't really know how to describe it, just know that it would have been very awkward.

So then I had planned on going to leesburg to visit Raspberry Plain and Whitehall Manor on the 31st. But Erik and I went to a general contracting networking shin-dig at a place called Top of the Town in Arlington. The view from that place is absolutely amazing. As we were leaving Erik turns to me and says "how cool would it be to have our reception up here?" I admit at first I did not like the idea, because I had always dreamed of having a cute outdoor wedding. But I thought hey we can have the ceremony outside then come to Top of the Town and have the reception.

I went to work the next day and looked up pricing and fell in love with the idea. I called and emailed Joan (the lady in charge) and realized that this reception could be possible. So long story short: I think we found our reception venue!!!!!! I haven't signed a contract and am still planning on going to leesburg, but unless something unexpected happens I think this is it!

I am still looking at ceremony sites but Joan said most brides just have their ceremony at the Netherlands Carillon.

We still have to go with the moms and check it all out but we are both very excited!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Engagement-May 10, 2008

I suppose it started during the day. It was the day of my birthday, Anya and Lauren took me out to get my nails done and we went out to lunch. Little did I know Erik was out and about picking up my ring, talking to my mom and the manager at the restaurant. We had planned on going out to dinner for my birthday that night. We went to Arties, the place where we had our first date. Erik told me he had my present in the car and would get it for my after we ate dinner. We were drinking our wine and Erik went to go get my present out of his car. When he walked back in he handed me a box that was the size of a scrapbook. We had a little trouble opening the box, but when I opened it there was an amazing crystal frame with the words "Will you marry me?". I was absolutely shocked, and said of course I will marry you! Lauren had been standing right behind Erik taking pictures and I had not even noticed. I got up to give Erik a hug and the entire restaurant starting clapping and cheering. My sister and Anya then walked in and we all hugged and I cried (obviously). The family a couple tables down from us bought us a small bottle of Champagne. It could not have been a more perfect night!